Fiery Outing at Playa Ancha University for the Land and Against Capital ( Chile)

July 8, 2024 / informativoanarquista

On Thursday June 27 at the UPLA, barricades were erected, pamphlets were spread, banners were raised, and confrontations took place against the presence of the COP (gendarmes) in the context of the commemoration for the defense of the land against ecocidal extractivism. In this direct action at the port, attention was drawn to Felipe Ríos, currently facing repression and held hostage by the social democratic police state.

Pamphlets and banners read: “Felipe Ríos is with us. Freedom to prisoners”. “Dealers and cops, the same bullshit. Take up your weapon, let them know that their faces are the targets of our bullets”, “freedom for subversive prisoners” and “the promised land is nothing but subdued land. Autonomy and freedom”.