(Chile)To Stand Tall Faced with the Events of July 6

July 8, 2024 / informativoanarquista

At dawn on Saturday July 6, various raids were carried out in the context of an investigation for the placement of explosive artifacts. 14 people were detained, various households raided, among these the Radio Villa Francia and the Pablo Vergara Toledo Communitarian Space, where the Luisa Toledo Popular Cafe takes place.

Desperate, the Prosecutor’s Office dusts off old tactics, the massive raids have returned, the mediatic shows and the premise of raid and arrest, in order to investigate. We don’t ask them to improve the protocals of justice, we only unveil the hypocracy and absurdity of the legal labyrinth. We despise the world of power, its logic, mazes and tactics.

On the same day that the physical departure of the dear comrade Luisa Toledo was commemorated, the prosecutor’s office tried to divide and conquer with this legal/police/media move. But, while they remember names, addresses and records, they forget that solidarity is our strength; they forget our waywardness and our daring, they forget that not all of us are coward mercenaries like them.

The memory of comrade Luisa, her drive, courage and solidarity continues to live. This was demonstrated in the beautiful event that was carried out this afternoon in the Pablo Vergara Toledo Communitarian Space, as well as during the night with the procession and its “beautifully violent” eruption.

We’re in solidarity with those arrested on July 6, with the firm call to not let ourselves be intimidated, to extend complicity and support between comrades, strengthening anticarceral solidarity.


Espacio Fénix

Claustrofobia Ediciones

Biblioteca Antiautoritaria Sacco y Vanzetti

Individualidades Anárquicas

Translated by Act for freedom now!