[Rigaer94] Wir haben eine Verabredung | Conspiracy to Overthrow the Existent (Berlin,Germany)

[Rigaer94] Wir haben eine Verabredung | Conspiracy to Overthrow the Existent

When we conspire
Conspire to hold
hold hold hold
hold on hold out and hold together
and jump when we feel it right
let our fire set us ablaze so everyone can see our spark

conspire to remember the feeling of moss under our feet
the feeling of sun on our skin
the smell of roots and melting asphalt
the burn in legs and lungs after a last second sprint
to feel each others‘ passion and motivation
to be compassionate with ourselves
conspire to guide our desires to their truest targets
When we conspire our fires so bright

Today we live a cycle of devastation and wars, of ecocide, of intensifying technological and social control. Day by day, we watch companies devour misery and death, supported by state militaries. Defense budgets soar as the parliaments of western countries support genocides, as they finance conflict in the global south to maintain their control over living beings and their environments, which they have categorised as resources. We watch companies enrich themselves through exploitation of the living world to continue the madness of technological progress and the farce of the ecological transition.

And meanwhile in our cities, we see the social war unfolding in front of us in the form of gentrification, among others. Those deemed unsuitable for the neighborhoods that are being restructured for the comfort of the rich are subjected to violence from police and landlords, struggle with price increases and social pressure, watch their communities fracture, and are displaced.

These situations strengthen our resolve to conspire against those responsible for the exploitation and misery in this world, to search for their weaknesses and attack them, to find moments where the structures of domination are destroyed that give us so much joy, to turn the dark nights into lightning, to demonstrate that we hate them and that we will make their lives harder as we strive to break their power.

We defend the importance of conspiring and attacking, of stopping their machinery, even for a short time, causing them the greatest possible damage, demonstrating that they are not immune, that they have flaws, that they are not perfect and of course vulnerable.

We will continue to conspire day by day to end what the existant, to end this world of misery, to defend our dignity, to show them that they will never sleep peacefully, that there will always be people willing to attack power in all its forms. We will conspire from our homes, places where we fight to break with everything established, places that are dangerous to power, where we aim to create another way of relating, linking, and taking care of each other.

In February 2023, two comrades were arrested and are being accused with conspiracy to commit a crime qualified as arson. Their trial will begin on May 27th. We will stand in solidarity with our comrades regardless of what the judicial apparatus says about them. The details of the case will only be relevant in court. The only things that matter to us are that our friends and comrades find themselves in the best possible position and receive all the love and solidarity they need, and that the fight goes on. We will continue furthering our conspiracy to overthrow the existent!
Let us join the opening of the process on 27th of may at 12:00 pm in front of the courthouse in Moabit.
There are further planned process dates, so far they are :

06.06. – 09:15 am
13.06. – 09:15 am
01.07. – 09:15 am
04.07. – 09:15 am
08.07. – 09:15 am
11.07. – 09:15 am

For more information: verabredet.noblogs.org

We want to show our solidarity and remember that we have an appointment… we meet somewhere dark to make them shine.
Nothing is finished, everything continues.