Call to Action and Propaganda 15 Years After the Death of Anarchist Comrade Mauricio Morales

April 12, 2024 / informativoanarquista

“Before sleeping I embrace chaos as the idea that liberates my body and my mind because when all is said and done it makes me feel alive.

I don’t want to search for the grail that emanates freedom in future societies.

My fingers search for the bloody flight of destruction of the chains of rhythmic fire, of the closeby fire of power and of its bosses.

And when sleeping my actions move towards tomorrow when waking up, I’ll break with routine and in individual action with my chest as a stone swollen by destruction of this and any society.

Do me a favour: make sure that anarchy lives”.

– Punki Mauri

At dawn of May 22, 2009, anarchist comrade Mauricio Morales, Punki Mauri, found death through the unanticipated detonation of the explosive artifact that he intended to place at the Police School in Matta, Santiago.

15 years have passed since his death in action and we continue persisting in his memory, remembering his warrior life, propagating the anarchy in multiple ways and vindicating insurectional political violence that remains alive, that manifests in the spreading of the idea and acts with varying force and intensity, but always alive.

This call invites a month of black memory, propaganda and action, the realization of public and anonymous gestures, without half measures. May imagination fly, may we feel the blood in our veins, may our hearts palpate with emotion when we remember our own.

Anarchy is dangerous and for it to continue being so we must equip it, strengthen it day by day, with discussion, feedback, with contagious propaganda and violent action. Each person decides how to make ideas into practice that spreads, the question is doing it, without leaders nor managers, without hierarchies, in autonomy.

This humble contribution aims to be one more input to the expansion of the remembrance of a comrade, positioning itself from the path of anarchic conflictuality against order, the law, power and all authority.




Anarchic individualities

April 2024

Translated by Act for freedom now!