Chile) Appeals Court to Decide Final Sentence Against Comrade Francisco Solar

Appeals Court to Decide Final Sentence Against Comrade Francisco Solar

March 17, 2024 / informativoanarquista

In December of 2023 the judicial power issued an 86 year sentence against comrade Francisco Solar and 12 against comrade Mónica Caballero, who were accused of different explosive attacks. Following the appeal to this sentence, on March 27, 2024 the San Miguel Appeals Court will decide the final sentence of comrade Francisco. Mónica’s sentence was not appealed.

Fight against the masked life sentence given to anarchist comrade Franscisco Solar!
Solidarity and complicity with all who challenge the powerful and repressors!


From La Zarzamora []

Following the defense’s appeal of the 86 year sentence of anarchist comrade Francisco Solar, this coming March 27, the San Miguel Appeals Court will dictate the definitive sentence.

This past week arguments were made for an annulment action entered by Francisco Solar’s defense before the San Miguel Appeals Court. This action, according to lawyer Nicolás Toro, of Francisco’s legal team, is based in “different infractions to the valuation of the trial, to sane critique and to errors of law in the sentence according to the criteria of the defense”.

The bloated sentences with which the political-corporate power attempts to punish the actions claimed by Francisco have fluctuated between 120 and 86 years, the latter being the sentence established during the trial that lasted 4 months this past year. Sentences which surpass any “common” sentence of the legal imposition, with the obvious intention of making an example of an anarchist and therein creating coercion and avoiding the multiplication of attacks against the rotten institutions and businesses. The 86 year sentence is concretely an unnamed life sentence and this action could have concrete effects on the definitive sentence that Francisco receives.

“The general objective is lowering the sentences assigned to Francisco which are demonstrably and enormously disproportionate and exhibit special legal treatment of the enemy, based more in dangerousness than in guilt in respect to specific crimes in order to have the effect of giving a clear political signal. This is what the defense is fighting through the nullity action, with causatives that link the error of law, which would imply in the case that the defense’s petition were accepted, lowering the sentences in the way that the court calculates them or also in the case that any of the causatives linked to the validity of the trial are fulfilled, having a new trial.”      Nicolás Toro. Francisco Solar’s Lawyer

After the long trial that the comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar had to face, they were sentences on December 7, 2023 to 12 and 86 years, respectively. Francisco for: two counts of sending explosive artifacts to the 54th Precinct [1] and to Rodrigo Hinzpeter [2], attempted murder of police, serious injuries to police, assault, five counts of minor injuries, damage to the precinct, attempted murder of Hinzpeter and placing explosive artifacts. Mónica Caballero for being accomplice in placing an explosive artifact.

Concerning the sentence of comrade Mónica Caballero, this was not appealed.

1. Precinct from which the cops who assassinated comrade Claudio Lopez came. She was murdered from behind in the September 11 protests of 1998.

2. Persecutor of anarchists, ex minister of the interior of the first government of Piñera and businessman>

Translated by Act for freedom now!