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Contribution to the Internationalist Days in Prague May 20-26, 2024
Source in Italian: https://lanemesi.noblogs.org/post/2024/02/07/luigi-palli-contributo-alle-giornate-internazionaliste-a-praga-dal-20-al-26-maggio-2024/
First of all, I want to congratulate and salute the comrades from Třídní Válka, for their commitment and perseverance. In these last two sad years of war they have been active, including and especially in contacting revolutionary groups abroad, something that – in my opinion – few in our latitudes have done.
That said, I must point out, alas, a couple of issues. I have been invited (as has the entire editorial staff of “Bezmotivny”) to the week of international action against the war, to be held in Prague between May 20 and 26, 2024. As editor of the internationalist anarchist fortnightly “Bezmotivny,” it is fair to say that I will not be able to attend. Or at least, between now and May is a long time, but I don’t think the provisions the Italian state has imposed on us will change.
In fact, on August 8, 2023, we were all subjected to precautionary measures on charges of subversive association for the purpose of terrorism, incitement to commit a crime with the aggravating factor of the purpose of terrorism, insulting the honor or prestige of the president of the republic, and clandestine printing, for having, over a period of three years, published incessantly every fortnight the newspaper “Bezmotivny.”
The operation conducted by the District Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Directorate of the city of Genoa involved ten anarchists for whom arrest in prison had been requested. Some still have an obligation to stay (with overnight return) in their city, others have hopped between jail and house arrest with all the restrictions (prohibition to communicate with anyone, under penalty of jail). Currently there are four of us on house arrest, five on mandatory residence, and one at large. The whole repressive operation revolves around “our” newspaper, they do not accuse us of specific facts except precisely the editing, printing and distribution of “Bezmotivny.”
It seems important to me to say all this, because the repression operating in Italy (not only the one we were involved in, but during 2023 it affected many anarchists all over Italy) is fully part of the policies of war moved by this rotten country.
I don’t want to complain about this at all, I think it is normal and deeply consistent on the part of a state to arrest any revolutionary voice, so in truth I’m fine with the way it works, rather than the fringe pretense of democratic spaces I prefer the real struggle. Rather than dissenting games good only for political stands, I prefer confrontation.
However. I think your initiative is extremely important, as well as interesting.
Not only because of the current times, but because it goes to reiterate what are the basics of revolutionary internationalist struggle.
I am not an educated man, I barely have an eighth grade education, so I often struggle to understand a lot of talk about economic or geopolitical partitions of various countries, but I am very safe in admitting that war is always for the benefit of the masters against us proletarians. This I could perceive also and only by working.
There is no different dimension for capital. Its survival is at the expense of all the exploited.
What I would consider important to say, however, concerns the method of us revolutionaries. I don’t know your fascinating country-as I don’t know many others-but, as far as Italy is concerned, there has been, over the years, a huge disconnect with the real movement, that is, with the exploited. It has stopped reiterating that the movement is not the collectives, or a political group (or worse, a party), but it is all the exploited. This is the real movement. Those who suffer the anguish of the master class every day. Whether they are aware of it, or even organize matters little. This is the real movement. This is what I think it is important to interact with. And it is in this direction that we have tried to work with “Bezmotivny,” albeit with our limitations, trying to bring among other exploited people the sense of rightness of revolutionary violence.
I will be very clear, I am what mass-media journalists call an “insurrectionalist.” A term that has been adopted in the media in Italy for half a century now to refer to “bad” anarchists. And I find it very hard to reject the accusation. Why is that? Then again, insurrection is the least that an exploited person like me, like all of us, can expect. I can confidently say that it is a boast for me.
With respect to revolutionary internationalism, I would like to open a brief parenthesis. In recent years we have witnessed what has become a methodological “practice” of action: namely, that of communicating only through actions. I think this is an important subject for reflection and discussion. Because, interesting as it is, it is a lame affair, which, however just and respectable, fails to gloss over so many matters, and as internationalists they are dutiful to address.
Internationalists cannot live only in the shadow of claims, of actions, however just and important and to be supported (at least of direct actions, attacks on structures and men of the State and Capitalism, all over the world, there are indeed many, and that is no small thing). We have to be able to initiate real communication, which has a capacity for action on all fronts, which is not limited to information but tries to make efforts toward organizational and therefore operational approaches. We need to be able to make the effort to get to know each other, to delve into the problems we want to unselect and those we want to baste.
This I know is not at all easy. Even and only in small territories like Italy there is often little communication between comrades who live close to each other, but I still think it is important to reiterate the need to make efforts, and to fly in the face of what may seem to be disagreements but then are ultimately not at all concrete.
Of course, where the reasoning becomes incongruous it is right to take different paths, but the attempt to adopt approaches of real (and not virtual) interaction between comrades I think is always very appreciable and, quite simply, useful and right.
I really hope that this meeting will be, more than highly attended, qualitatively attended. May it then be able to contribute seriously, with meaningful interventions, to the struggle against war therefore in the direction of attacking every state, which by its nature is warmongering.
Luigi Palli
January 28, 2024
English translation: https://darknights.noblogs.org/post/2024/02/19/luigi-palli-contribution-to-the-internationalist-days-in-prague-may-20-26-2024/
In the sunlight
Source in Italian https://lanemesi.noblogs.org/post/2024/02/07/alla-luce-del-sole/
I had thought, clumsily, that this would go on for less time. Yet, given the stubbornness with which the state wants to silence us (and quickly condemn us), I decided to take the floor again. Which is wise or not matters little. Then again, hard to say whether giving up (whether by compulsion or not) any interaction with one’s affections and struggle is wise.
Sure, there are many ploys that are surely smarter than a signed first and last name black on white. But there is one thing I can’t stop thinking is right: putting your face to it. Yes, this small but profound issue for me is very much linked to what have been (and will be) all the publishing projects or stirring moments that have involved me over the years.
It is what I have always, personally, ardently supported. To say loud and clear that I support and agree with direct action, making explicit what I think is the most congenial method of achieving the zeroing out of the “values” of bourgeois society. The insurrectional method. The attack on men and structures of the state and Capitalism.
Here, I don’t believe there are anarchists who are afraid to say these things. I think it is the essence of the revolutionary himself this obstinacy, this constant quest, to spread and bring out ideas, to create or sustain dimensions of social confrontation.
The attempt to define us as a clandestine and terrorist organization fails not so much in the actual facts, such as our membership in an extremely public anarchist circle, or for editing a newspaper that was distributed not certainly (and perhaps unfortunately) in secrecy in the locker rooms of some factory, but fails and is demolished by the simple fact that anarchists, revolutionaries all in general, spread ideas in the light of day.
We are not a sect of little boys who tell themselves about it, we are proletarians and with other proletarians we interact, spreading the ideas that seem most congenial to us for human liberation.
Depriving us of the availability, then of our books and our venues (which, moreover, are expressly and insistently OPEN to everyone except cops and bosses), would lock us into a vortex of total isolation aimed at a forced “hiding” unable then to operate effectively, alienating anarchism in the eyes of the exploited. Which, in my opinion, we have seen happen and intensify over the past two decades. Dangerous, then, closure.
Indeed, rolling up one’s sleeves and chasing one’s paws in today’s social mess is a very unappealing thing to do. More convenient, instead, to tell a select few about the evolution of a thought, such as the anarchist one, destining it to perish among the inebriated dialogues of such pure beings, setting them up as the sole gatekeepers. The others, the uncouth, the proletarians, the whores, the poor, with their filthy language, their uncorrected foibles (sic) do not deserve the attention of these self-proclaimed good people.
This is not only the death of anarchism, this is the death of all those dreams of liberation that have always accompanied human beings since the existence of authoritarian societies.
For me, “Bezmotivny” was an attempt, in this sense, to get out of the atarassic household chores and back into the mire of the street. A first attempt that waits for nothing more than to overcome its own limitations.
Obviously, however, beyond the individual ideas expressed in the articles, what weighs perhaps most heavily is the choice to publish claims of direct action in Italy but also and especially with regard to facts that have become apparent in other countries. Here again, one might say, nothing all that strange.
It is clear that a prosecutor of a certain prestige such as Mr. Manotti took advantage of the willingness of a group of comrades not to fear support for direct action to, precisely, point them out as belonging to the so-called terrorist sodality that would gravitate around the much abused by the FAI-IRF chronicle. For my own part, I have always been well aware that publishing a claim, supporting its justness, has its repercussions (and journalistic motions are false: revolutionaries have always gone to jail for papers, writings, or articles, it was never different from today, perhaps it happened a little less with the monarchy). Unfortunately for some even after (albeit a few) six months of house arrest with all the restrictions, this about me has not changed. I still think it is right to publish and spread revolutionary actions, I think it is right and when I can I will continue to publish newspapers, pamphlets, leaflets, posters.
I will continue to interact with other exploited people, trying to spread as much as possible even just the idea of the rightness of revolutionary violence.
What I just cannot understand, or at least it is not so clear to me, is what do these gentlemen think they are doing with us? The anarchists, regardless of our imprisoned status, will continue to document, to print leaflets and newspapers. And even when they are forced to flee, they will do so in the shadows. So, I feel like saying, keep us as long as you like. This will not change.
Having said that, I wholeheartedly salute all defectors around the world and all comrades fighting against the war. Long live the revolution! Long live the anarchists!
Luigi Palli
February 2024
P.S.: watch out Manotti that in prison I might dismantle a bunk and build an Offset.
English translation: https://darknights.noblogs.org/post/2024/02/11/italy-in-the-sunlight-luigi-palli/