Walgreens Redecorated; Banko Forever San Francisco (USA)

Walgreens Redecorated; Banko Forever

With the blue supermoon in Pisces illuminating our liberatory path, a squad of real ones ran up on the Walgreens where Banko Brown was murdered; we glued every single lock shut and painted the entire storefront with his name.

The militant momentum generated by collective outrage at the murder of Banko Brown had been successfully co-opted and quelled—not directly by the state, but by one of its most powerful co-conspirators: liberal counter-insurgency. Instead of riots, we got Pride parties, political parties, and non-profit fundraisers; in place of radical action, we saw protests at City Hall with members of the pro-police political aristocracy on the mic as well as liberal demands to “jail killer cops” and furnish video of the murder that we did not need to see in order to know that what was done to Banko demands of us nothing less than to fight back with everything we have.

As has been the case with struggles locally and abroad for years, lawless youth and militant comrades committed to challenging the insidiousness of neoliberalism have repeatedly been targeted and betrayed by NGOs/non-profits, statist leftists, and liberals in radicals’ clothing (who, although adept at invoking anarchist language/aesthetics, politically differ little from non-profits). These bad-faith actors always utilize the same tired-ass tool bag of social justice activism, DEI-ification, respectability, weaponized identities, allyship/accomplice politics, privilege theory, cultural essentialism, appeals to representational “leadership,” etc., often driven by outright cowardice.

There is an alternative to investing ourselves in realms that are inherently hostile to our fiery hunger for liberation.

Within this widespread context of intensified state repression, the growing fascist right, and hyper-insidious liberal counter-insurgency, we call for serious anti-state comrades, anarchist and communist, to turn toward each other.

Pivot away from a strategy that coalitions with liberal left activists, towards one of strengthening our existing underground networks.

Center collective development of coherent analysis that shores up our defenses from the liberal creep into our circles, whether that creep looks like anti-oppression politics locally, or choosing sides in geopolitical wars between capitalist states internationally.

Grow our capacities for clandestine action, and for defending what we have built. Nurture our abilities for caring for and loving each other. The road ahead will not be easy, and we have many enemies.

A recent clandestine communique from comrades fighting Cop City declared that, under these current conditions, guerrilla struggle is the way forward.

We call for comrades locally to get active and reignite the fire of insurrectionary vengeance for Banko in our realm; the streets.

For starters, there are hundreds of Walgreens locations. Pick one, or pick a few.

We look forward to hearing about your adventures, and to meeting under moonlight.

For Banko. For our revolutionary ancestors and revolutionary generations to come. For Anarchy. For communism. For the attack!


via: Indybay


Note by Actforfree : Banko Brown was a young, homeless, transgender man who was killed on April 27, 2023 by the security guard of a Walgreens drugstore and grocery chain store, who accused him of shoplifting.