Spain: One Less Naturgy Car in Complicity with Monica and Francisco By Insolent Indomitables Provoking Anarchy

One Less Naturgy Car in Complicity with Monica and Francisco


The early morning of July 13, a group of insolent people stopped daily time for a few seconds to place an incendiary device in a car belonging to Naturgy in the neighborhood of Horta.

Naturgy unlimitedly exploits the resources of the earth and drives the machinery of the capitalist system creating rivers and rivers of blood; Blood of the people of the plundered villages, the workers – those who protest and those who do not – even those who pay them unbearable prices to amass their wealth. For every euro they earn: one car less! It only takes a few household materials and arming ourselves with our well-deserved thirst for revenge to go out one night to cause damage.

We do not intend to stop: we have in front of us a city full of targets to attack, knowing that the next day they will feel the heat provoked by anarchy more closely. Let them fear us, let them fear us! Enough of the social order that pleases no one but that everyone supports! We enjoy seeing its machinery burn every time.

With this second of insolence we remember the actions of Monica and Francisco, prisoners in the Chilean state for attacking the police station, Minister Hinzpeter and the neighborhood of the rich. They also had a prolific stay in the Spanish territory. We will closely follow their trial on July 18. They cannot imprison us all, because the anarchic fire expands, changes shape, is unpredictable.

Freedom for Monica and Francisco!
Insurrectionary heat for all prisoners and against the techno-industrial capitalist system!

– Insolent Indomitables provoking anarchy!
Translated by Act for freedom now!