Lyon (Rhône), France : incendiary sabotage of rail lines.

Lyon (Rhône): incendiary sabotage of rail lines

Lyon: T3, T7 and Rhône Express lines at a standstill after arson attack
Le Progrès/BFM Lyon/radio Scoop, June 6, 2023

“There wasn’t supposed to be any impact from today’s national strike,” Keolis tells us on the eve of the 14th day of mobilization against the pension reform. But then… This Tuesday morning, three rail lines on the TCL network were partially out of service after an act of vandalism, as reported on the Lyon public transport Twitter account. Due to “arson”, “lines T3, T7 and the Rhône Express are no longer running”.

According to Keolis, the network operator, the fire occurred near the Décines Grand Large streetcar station, where the fire department arrived at around 2.40 am. Damage was extensive: “the fire damaged an electrical substation, underground boxes, cables and the fiber used to run the streetcars”. Some twenty technicians are on site to replace the many damaged cables. Another specialized service provider has been asked to replace the fiber optic cables.

“The damage to the line’s power supply and to all the control systems is quite extensive”, explained Keolis Lyon Deputy Managing Director Jérôme Berthonneau. On the transport company’s website, it is stated that traffic on these lines will not resume before 8 pm.

via:sansnom translated by Act for freedom now!