Squat schedule 05/06-11/06. Zizania squatted social center. (Athens, Greece)

Athens: Squat schedule 05/06-11/06. Zizania squatted social center, Fylis and Feron, Viktoria.


18:30 Greek Class

In Zizania we are having English and Greek classes in a shared and interactive learning environment, where we try to break the divide between student and teacher. We are not professional teachers and we believe teaching is a form of solidarity and skill sharing between people. We invite students to help shape the lessons based on their needs. There are no formal requirements to participate and you will not receive a diploma. The classes are free and open to all people. The languages of the facilitators will be English

19:00 Solidarity With Migrants Assembly


Collective Vegan Social Kitchen

We invite you to come to Zizania at 6 p.m. on Wednesday. We will cook and eat all together the food we have collected from the market! Zizania is a space open to people of all origins, income, language, gender, sexuality and age. See you there!


11:00 Greek Class

20:00 Open assembly of DITO

20:00 Film and Discussion on organising common struggles between “migrants” and “locals”

