Toulouse (Haute-Garonne): Fire to the gas
Indymedia Nantes, April 4, 2023

When we see the planet drying up and the repression that hits us, we could think that everything is lost, that everything is vain.
Maybe it is. Maybe there will be no great victories. Maybe it is already too late. Maybe by opposing the destruction of the living and of our own lives we will end up suffering even more. Maybe one day this world will be nothing but a huge desert.
Perhaps, lots of perhaps.
But there are also certainties. The identification of those responsible for the disaster. And above all, against them, hatred. A hatred that only wishes to come to life. Otherwise it eats me up from the inside.
So I let it express itself with a 10-liter can of gasoline in the night of March 30 to 31 in Toulouse on a GRDF parking lot.
The pleasure of seeing the fire light up and devour the cars.
In the end 12 of their vehicles went up in smoke.
Why them? The energy sector industries feed all the others. Like all the others they ravage the Earth. Like all the others, they build the increasingly sophisticated cage in which we are enclosed: civilization.
Of course there are more strategic actions to do.
Of course I am also afraid. There are just other emotions to listen to.
To all the people who have this hatred that gnaws at them, there are other paths.
To those who are already walking these paths, take heart.
A fox in the henhouse
via: sansnom
Translated by Act for freedom now!