The final issue of Storm warnings, anarchist bulletin for the social war, issue 59-60(December 2022) came out. It is the full English translation of Avis de Tempêtes.
Storm warnings, issue 59-60 (December 15, 2022) :
“To conclude, if it has always been a pleasure to write and elaborate each issue of this bulletin, we must also say that after five years, the desire to put an end to it has arrived. A certain weariness in seeking to ensure this regularity, the sometimes difficult lack of feedback or intertwined debates,
the observation of a redundancy in our ways of approaching the vast questions of action, certainly also the limits of the instrument itself, are all elements that contributed to our decision to conclude this experience of Storm Warnings. Such a decision might seem paradoxical, knowing that
the interest and need we feel for such spaces of reflection and elaboration are still alive, but the instrument we have forged over the years does not lend itself to a new start or a new format. It seemed to us more appropriate to make it disappear, so that other projects could see the light of day.”