Rome,Italy : New year same shit

Rome: New year same shit

Having nothing to celebrate we decided to attack, taking advantage of the chaotic new year’s eve festivities.

So in the night of the 31st we set fire to a fibre optic pole in the hope that this would jam the dense network of connections that now pervades cities.

An ever tightening network, between control and social anesthesia, but which also means that its links and nodes are everywhere therefore everywhere attackable.

We are aware that this gesture is but a small spark but, as we all know, it is from sparks that the fire of revolt can break out.

We want to express our solidarity to Alfredo, Thanos and Ivan, struggling against the vile jails with hunger strike.

A thought to Anna, Juan and Rupert, as to all anarchist prisoners.
For the spread of anarchist conflict, for the destruction of the State.

Against 41bis and life sentence without appeal!

Long live anarchy!


via:infernourbano Translated by Act for freedom now!