Incendiary Attack Against Job Center Vehicle Fleet in Farmsen, Germany

Incendiary Attack Against Job Center Vehicle Fleet in Farmsen

You are the crisis! – Incendiary visit to the Farmsen Job Centre vehicle fleet

In the night from December 25 to 26, we honored the Farmsen Job Centre with our visit and significantly reduced their vehicle fleet by means of fire. The vehicles are used, among other things, for the degrading home visits of the so-called needs assessment. Poor people and families are harassed and bullied while corporations continue to rake in fat profits during the crisis.

The renaming of Hart IV*

as “citizen’s income” does not change this.

Against the world of capital and its red-green-yellow helpers!

For social Revolution worldwide


*Translation note: Hartz IV combines unemployment assistance with social assistance that is granted to people without an entitlement to unemployment benefits. As a result, the long-term unemployed receive monthly financial support that is no longer related to their previous income.


via: abolitionmedia