WAR REPORT – Incendiary attack on corporation in Brazil

WAR REPORT – Incendiary attack on corporation in Brazil

To all

We assume responsibility for the arson attack to a unit of the corporation Lojas Marisa (clothing retailer) located at 431 Martin Afonso St in downtown Martin Afonso 431 in the center of the city of São Vicente, on the coast of the province of São Paulo, on the afternoon of 14-07-2022. A member of our collective placed a small incendiary device with a time mechanism directly on the electrical network of the air conditioner. The device worked as expected, causing a short circuit and a fire. The fire totally destroyed the commercial establishment.

Images of the action


Our action was a reprisal for the support that Lojas Marisa gave to the psychopath Jair Bolsonaro in the 2018 elections. Lojas Marisa and its controller, Zionist millionaire Ricardo Goldfarb, were financiers of the fake news scheme on the WhatsApp network orchestrated by Yankee mercenary Steve Bannon to swindle the 2018 elections and elect Bolsonaro.

Our action was also a warning to the fascist Bolsonaro and his supporters (members of the police and Armed Forces, extreme right-wing militiamen and the sector of the bourgeoisie that supports him): our collective decided to stop practicing only cyber-attacks and will alternate such attacks with acts of Direct Action. The decision was taken after the attack that took place in the city of Foz do Iguaçu, in the province of Paraná, in the Paraná province, in the early hours of Sunday 10-07-2022, in which the police officer and fascist militant Jorge Guaranho invaded the birthday party of Marcelo Arruda, also a policeman and leftist militant, and shot him dead, ending up getting wounded himself in the counterattack. Guaranho’s attack took place days after the psychopath Bolsonaro said in a statement to his followers that they already know “what to do” until the presidential presidential elections in October of this year. After that “dog whistle”, several low-scale acts of right-wing terrorism began to take place on a small scale, in addition to the Guaranho attack.

Faced with Bolsonaro’s threat of civil war, the reformist left of the PT, the party of former president and favorite candidate in the elections Lula da Silva (champion of class conciliation and capitulation to the bourgeoisie) has reacted with remarkable cowardice: in the face of the military, police and paramilitary apparatus that Bolsonaro is creating, the PT takes the popular camp under its wing. It incites the militants to resist peacefully by carrying books in the streets, in a policy identical to that adopted by the former members of the FARC in Colombia – by adhering to bourgeois democracy and adopting unconditional pacifism, these militants are being exterminated by fascist militias like Aguilas Negras (Black Eagles). Driven solely by its petty electoral interests, the PT is leading the popular camp to certain defeat in the most vile way.

As anarchists, we do not follow the electoral calendar and we do not negotiate with the institutional right, as the PT does out of cowardice. We carry out a guerrilla war and we will begin to respond to the Reaction with the only language it understands: force, violence and intimidation. Every fascist attack will have its due response.

We call on all honest social activists, those persecuted by the system and the Brazilian people to break with the electoral illusion and the policy of capitulation and class conciliation of the bureaucracies of the reformist left and go on the offensive with mass struggle and direct action. Only confrontation will defeat fascism and the system.