Villa Francia. Transantiago Bus Set On Fire + Leaflet

On February 13, 2022 the transantiago bus route 509 was intercepted between the streets 5 de abril and vista hermosa, in the commune of Estación Central, sector Villa Francia.

A group of anonymous people got on the bus, held the driver with a firearm and then forced him to get off and they set fire to the bus, leaving leaflets behind.

The incendiary action took place on the eve of the trial of Luis Tranamil, a Mapuche political prisoner.

Pamphlet reads:

Taking the confrontation with power into our own hands, we commit ourselves through action!

For the liberation of the oppressed, immediate freedom for Luis tranamil Nahuel, weichafe* incarcerated by the chilean state.

From the neighborhood to the walmapu**, a combative embrace.

Freedom for all Mapuche political prisoners, subversive prisoners and prisoners of the popular revolt.

Against the judicial revenge of the rich, organization, mutiny and escape!

Amulepe taiñ weichan.
While misery exists, there will be rebellion.

Translator note:
*Mapuche warrior
**Mapuche territory

Translated by Act for freedom now!