We destroyed a Still company van with fire during the eviction of Tiefe Straße 3 in East Leipzig. This was our attempt to support #leipzigbesetzen and to answer the attack of the pigs on their creation of collective housing. The van is definitely a complete loss, even if the otherwise sensationalist press has reported little about it.
Still is the supplier of many forest clearcuts, which is why it made sense as a target. Solidarity with Moni, Danni and all other environmental campaigners.
We also see every eviction as a chance to drive the costs up so high that the pigs lose their appetite for further attacks on our structures. In line with this, a car for the Rigaer94 and the Köpi-Wagenplatz was burned. The warning that the companions from Leipzig gave at the last meeting of the Rigaer seems to have worked. That’s why we’re renewing this warning to the Berlin Senate and its truncheon troops: You don’t want us to come to Berlin! Better let it stay