On 10th March a fire broke out in the OVH site in Strasbourg, OVH being the biggest French web hosting company. The company is based in Roubaix. The website Chez.Renart, currently inaccessible, received a text from L’Organisation Vraiment Hinfaillible [Really Hinfallible Organisation] and sent it to various users, including Reporterre, which presents it here for the knowledge of its readers:
Claim for the OVH fire
We have to reveal a piece of information that the media around the world won’t fail to ignore. We believe we are behind the fire that devastated the data centre of OVH, the most important French web hosting company, in Strasbourg on Wednesday 10th March. OVH includes 400,000 servers, 32 data centres, 2,500 employees, a turnover of 600 million euros in 2019. How many kilowatts of energy used? We don’t know exactly. However we know that the digital sector consumed 10% of world electricity in 2015. It must be even worse today.
We reject the harmful effects of the digital industry, from Chinese mines of rare metals to landfills in Ghana and Nigeria, passing through the production of atomic, fuel and renewable electricity everywhere on the planet. We also reject the lifestyle imposed by the digital industry, accelerated by the Covid epidemic. We reject the dehumanization of relations and work automation. We reject 5G, 4G, optic fibres and all the technologies that contribute to the digital control of the planet and behaviour. We reject the passivity imposed by screens. We reject sectarian confinement and the kind of barbaric relations generated by social bubbles that some still call “social networks”. We struggle against our programmed obsolescence. Instead, we are struggling for life.
The day of our action was not chosen at random. The fire had to start on 11th March, the tenth anniversary of the Fukushima disaster. We traced the digital flow from a toaster connected to the OVH data centre and short-circuited it, using only the power of our minds and some boxes of LSD. But the doses were too high, once inside we did anything, and the fire started too early – if only the power of our stoned brains can cause such damage, something we’ll never know.
There it is, sorry about the setback. Have a good day.