Unrest in Puente Alto on 4th Anniversary of the Revolt (Chile)

Unrest in Puente Alto on 4th Anniversary of the Revolt

October 21, 2023 / informativoanarquista

(received 10/19/2023 by email informativoanarquista@riseup.net)

4 years since the revolt that overtook the territorie with yearnings for transformation, we have witnessed power’s renewed ability to restructure and penetrate, introducing, once again, the false fash-lib dichotomy as the only political alternatives, denying our own ability to organize ourselves.

In the suburbs, we always warned that the only thing that the so-called “pact for peace” and the constitutional discussion would guarantee was the continuity of the neoliberal model that was imposed in 73 by yankee imperialism, and that neither Boric nor the united front nor the PC wanted to really change the order of the rich, since they always benefited from it.

Through all of these events it is clearer to us than ever that, just like in the 90s, joy never came, nor will it come from the hands of any politician. The sole path that offers the possibility of retaking our lives can only be created through autonomous and direct action. The pu weichafe in Wallmapu exemplify this for us, who with fierceness have managed to make the state-capital retreat from their territories. We see the prevailing necessity of advancing rapidly in the accumulation and coordination of revolutionary forces, that, from multiple trenches and in all directions, prepare to uproot this system of misery, death and ecocidal destruction once and for all.

With these actions of armed coordinated propaganda we want to demonstrate that the autonomous territorial struggle continues to be more than present in the neighbourhood, that anarchist affinity and complicity does not surrender faced with repression, and that we won’t take a single step back in the war against the state-capital for the defense of the earth and against its usurpers. The objective of this action is to remove the lethargy to which power submits us through the press and its systems of coersion, to shake those who have fallen into hopelessness before the fascism that seems to be on the rise and to tell them that we’re here, fighting from this neighbourhood, conspiring the resistance here and now, coordinating, getting to know ourselves, with the fall of the state and capitalism that oppresses us and punishes destruction as our shared horizon.

We embrace the hundreds of people who were mutilated and survived the talons of power, those who are held captive in the dungeons for facing off with this miserable system, those who have always suffered at the hands of the bastards, those who are spending these days preparing to attack power and its different tentacles with bravery, those who despite everything insist on raising resistance from the territory, warm and complicite greetings to each and every one of you.

With the neighbours falled in each gesture and memory, Emilia Baucis, Cristian Valdebenito, Julio Valencia, Dely, Francisco Martínez, J.P. Jiménez, Patricio González, Arnold Camú, Abraham Muskatblit and everyone who has confronted the tyranny of power.

Towards autonomous and territorial organization.
For a Maipo river free of extraction.
For the life that they steal from us.
In Wallmapu and the city, war against state and capital.

Anarchist Coordination Critian Valdebenito.


Translated by Act for freedom now!