On the edge of the precipice: the text of a leaflet given out in Trento by anarchist comrades on the occasion of an initiative against repression in solidarity with the oppressed in Gaza.(Italy)

We are publishing here – in a slightly modified version – the text of a leaflet given out in Trento by anarchist comrades on the occasion of an initiative against repression that turned into a meeting in solidarity with the oppressed in Gaza, against the attempted genocide in act at this moment by the State of Israel. A first contribution of ours to  orient oneself in the abyss that is opening in the Middle East – and everywhere.

Here in leaflet format in  it pdf: Aprecipizio

We are also adding a graphic version made by a comrade, whom we thank: a_precipizio_grafico

On the edge of the precipice

As State repression strikes harder and harder, in Gaza the gates of the abyss are opening wide.

What has been experienced here against rebel minorities for years – constant mystification of the concept of «terrorism», prison isolation of comrades to prevent them even reading and writing, closure of websites and detention of the editors of an anarchist fortnightly – now spreads to anyone who disagrees or even remembers the history that war propaganda would like to erase. Newspaper editors hailing the destruction of Gaza in television parlors, students beaten in Livorno for a banner reading «Neither with Israel nor with Hamas», French and German governments banning demonstrations in solidarity with the Palestinian people as it «supports terrorism» – all this is telling even the most distracted one precise thing: we are at war.

The current spiral is neither surprising nor random. The more fragile the Western ruling class feels the more ferocious it becomes. On the one hand it must impose the violent restructuring of society called the fourth industrial revolution, on the other it sees falter – in Ukraine, in Niger and now with the shock for the collapse of the myth of the invincibility of the Israeli wall – it’s own global power. And so it strikes at random: ecologists of few revolutionary intentions and former ambassadors who remember the historical oppression of the Palestinians, passing through a university researcher, until now symbol of freedom of speech, imprisoned by the Egyptian dictatorship and tinged with «terrorism» for his words against Netanyahu.

If the inconvenient intellectual’s ears are simply pulled, real police terror is reserved for the young proletarians of the ever greater and more explosive banlieues, and the masses of impoverished in flight. A humanity to be kept under the iron heel, also thanks to administrative detention – that is, imprisonment in the absence of any crime – experimented precisely in Israel and now extended all over the world.

Totalitarian propaganda always follows the same patterns: if you do not accept the authoritarian management of Covid, you are a «negationist»; if do not side with NATO, you are a «philo-Putinian»; if you consider 41 bis a form of torture, you are with the mafia. This binary logic is now reaching the most ignoble paroxysm: while in Israel journalists and even former army or intelligence chiefs define Netanyahu’s government a gang of Ku Klux Klan (and how else define ministers who openly support the superiority of Jewish blood and the animal nature of the Palestinians?), in Italy who says much less ends up in the media pillory or under police batons.

While almost a million Palestinians are escaping from one side of the prison that is Gaza to the other with only one destination allowed: the Sinai desert, for which the UN has generously declared it is prepared to offer refugees tents for their survival; while the Israeli minister of war defines the inhabitants of Gaza «animals with human features» and a deputy in his own party Likud invokes the «final judgment» with the total destruction of the ghazzawi; while in those lands the anarchist utopia of a free, egalitarian and stateless federation between Arabs and Jews lies in the mud and blood, it is absolutely necessary not to renounce one’s humanity or power of judgment. Our field of action is that of the exploited against all States and all bourgeoisies. We are unambiguously with the Palestinian masses against the colonialism and racism of the Israeli system. If we clearly affirm that the violence of the oppressed is always the responsibility of the oppressor, the only violence we defend is the liberating revolutionary one: a violence that does not strike in the heap, that distinguishes governments from populations, dominant from dominated. As it is precisely because we have always defended – and, to the limit of our ability, practiced – this ethical and social positioning that we are hit by prison and repression, the same principles will guide us even on the edge of the precipice of horror and words that justify it.

anarchists (anarchiche e anarchici)

via: ilrovescio.info

Translated by Act for freedom now!