On the murder of the migrants in the shipwreck at Pylos …(Peloponnese ,Greece)

On the murder of the migrants in the shipwreck at Pylos

The world of the State and capitalism is constant and murderous

Over 79 Dead after a shipwreck with migrants southwest of Pylos

The exploited and the oppressed continue to pay with their blood to maintain and reproduce the barbaric exploitative oppressive system that represses, murders and impoverishes. This is demonstrated by the dozens of murders of workers in the sweatshops of modern slavery, which in the first quarter of 2023 alone reached 57 [in Greece].

This is amply demonstrated by the thousands of deaths due to the criminal management of the pandemic and the total abandonment and dismantling of public health, the dozens of victims of state capitalist crime in Tempi, the murdered Roma by the uniformed bastards of ELAS, (greek police forces) the drowning and murders of migrants and refugees in the sea and land borders of Fortress Europe.