Porto Alegre, Brazil: Action Against the Italian Consulate in Solidarity with Anarchist Comrade Alfredo Cospito

P0rt0 Al3gr3 Bra$il

Sometimes anarchist presences are so few that more than once we have been predicted to disappear. Sometimes our fury is so intense that it provokes fear and long periods of internal explanatory purging. Sometimes many, sometimes few, but constantly and with great determination, we are always there for each other.

And that is why, more than once, the fire, the stones, the concentrations from Greece, Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Bolivia, Uruguay, Colombia, Chile …. illuminate different territories under the same intention: We are for you Alfredo, we hate all those who set you on fire and we support your struggle from outside.

The night of December 29 we did our part, sabotaging the main door and the access of the Italian Consulate with 25 liters of burnt oil. We left some pamphlets that said:

“In solidarity with Alfredo Cóspito in hunger strike in Italy, for more than 60 days, against the death regime called 41bis. Against all prisons. Long live Anarchy”.

May our hostile actions against domination and its consequences always find the complicity, solidarity and anarchist affection of our comrades.

Long live Anarchy.

Press report: //gauchazh.clicrbs.com.br/porto-alegre/noticia/2022/12/consulado-geral-da-italia-em-porto-alegre-e-alvo-de-vandalismo-clcanouyf00360182ee21eux6.html