Update | Solidarity and complicity with Mónica and Francisco in the face of the demands for sentences solicited by the prosecutors!

Solidarity and complicity with Mónica and Francisco in the face of the demands for sentences solicited by the prosecutors!

July 24 2020 comrades Mónica and Francisco are arrested in a double repressive operation. Power accuses Francisco of sending explosive parcels against the ex Minister of Home Affairs Rodrigo Hinzpeter and the 54th police station of Huechuraba (which took place on July 24 2019, claimed by “Cómplices Sediciosos / Fracción por la Venganza” – “Seditious Accomplices / Revenge Fraction”), while both are accused of the double explosive attack against the Tànica building in the town of Vitacura (action which took place in the midst of the revolt, on February 27 2020, claimed by “Afinidades Armadas en Revuelta” – “Armed Affinities in Revolt”).

During over two years’ prison Mónica has remained in the common section of San Miguel Prison, whereas Francisco was inizially imprisoned in the maximum security section of the CAS (High Security Prison) to then be transferred, along with other comrades in June 2021, to the La Gonzalina di Rancagua prison where he is still being held.

It is crucial to note that during this period of imprisonment both of them have made constant contributions to the anarchist and social war debates through their writings, communiques and articles, showing how prison is not the end of anything, but another trench from which to continue the insurrectional struggle, and that its walls, nets and cages, are not enough to break the solidarity and complicity between the stateless. It is also from that place that, we must recognise, Francisco claimed the acts of which he is accused, thus giving relevance and validity to an anarchism of offensive action and the need for continuity of its attacks.

In prison both have formed a collective of subversive anarchist prisoners along with other comrades as a further way of giving continuity to the struggle from inside the prison. A manifestation of this articulation of refractory wills was the hunger strike they sustained for more than 50 days from March 22, 2021, demanding the annulment of the amendments to the law decree 321 and freedom for Marcelo Villarroel.

On 10 August, more than two years after the start of the proceedings and after a series of extensions to the terms of the investigation period, the preliminary period was closed and the prosecution’s final request was made, calling for 30 years’ prison for Mónica, accusing her of two offences of placing explosive devices. For Francisco, the prosecutors are asking for 129 years’ prison for the sending of two explosive packages, three attempted murders, injuries, damage, as well as the placing of two devices.

The Fiscalìa Metropolitana Sur (Santiago South Prosecutor’s Office), represented by Claudio Orellana, PM specialized in bombs and operations against the antiauthoritarian milieu, tries to bring more than 166 witnesses, 53 experts and more than 400 pieces of evidence into the courtroom. An attempt to settle the score for the inability to obtain convictions against the comrades in 2010, during the Caso Bombas. For the same reason, ignoring their own legislative obstacles, he tries to qualify both of them as ‘repeat offenders’ because of their previous conviction in Spain.

For many, the horrendous sentences with which they are trying to bury our comrades can indeed be paralysing. Faced with an unstoppable judicial machine it would seem there is only room for a feeling of helplessness and frustration. But that is precisely what power would like to achieve. Antistate solidarity, for its part, knows how to pave the way, full of vitality and creativity, and bets on the destruction of the claims of the powerful to annihilate not only our comrades, but the very idea of rebellion.

A well-known former minister who led the repression; the police station from which came the murderers of Claudia Lòpez; the neighbourhood of the rich, heavily armoured during the uprising; or the police who mutilate, were the targets of those actions. Their motivations are ours, and those of all who reject the world of authority and obedience. The actions for which the comrades are on trial are completely valid and legitimate, against the powerful and the repressors.

Those who returned the blows and put an end to the impunity of the repressors, positioned themselves in a clear and age-old revolutionary and especially anarchist tradition, which sought by its own means to destroy the state’s monopoly of violence and the tranquillity of those who conducted the most brutal repressive raids. It is within this same historical line that we situate the case of the comrades Mónica and Francisco.

The call is to multiply solidarity and agitation with the comrades. Set up decentralised initiatives immediately in the face of the trial and curb the yearnings of the persecutors who seek to lock up Mónica and Francisco for decades.

With no place for indifference:

Solidarity and complicity with those who attack the powerful and the repressors!

Mónica and Francisco free!

from: fuoridallariserva

Translated by Act for freedom now!