Italy: Issue No. 7 of the anarchist journal “Vetriolo” is out

Issue No. 7 of the anarchist journal “Vetriolo” is out


— Contro la guerra. Quale internazionale? [Against war. What international?]
— Strage politica. Lo Stato italiano alla liquidazione degli anarchici. [Political massacre. The Italian State in the liquidation of anarchists.]
— Non staremo al caldo durante la tempesta [We won’t be staying at home during the storm]
— Ci troverete al nostro posto, che al vostro non ci sappiamo stare. A proposito dell’inchiesta “Diamante” [You will find us in our place, as we do not know how to be in yours. About the ‘Diamond’ investigation]
— Appunti sull’internazionalismo. Contributo di Francisco Solar [Notes on internationalism. Contribution of Francisco Solar]
— Un mondo migliore non è mai NATO [A better world is never NATO (nato also = born in Italian]
— L’anarchismo rivoluzionario contro la desistenza [Revolutionary anarchism against desistance]
— La fase nichilista [The nihilist phase]
— Sullo stato d’eccezione. Anatomia di un equivoco [On the state of exception. Anatomy of a misunderstanding]

For requests of copies:

“Vetriolo”, anarchist paper, summer 2022, number 7, 20 pages. One copy: 2.00 euro. For distribution, five copies or more: 25% discount. Excluding postage. Free for imprisoned persons.


In announcing the publication of this issue, we send out the editorial:

Against war
What international?

It is again a time of sacrifice, of hunger, of destruction. Perhaps as never before. The war between the great powers, the economic crisis, the rhetoric of national unity and helmeted politics are, a century later, the nightmare into which the bourgeoisie is again plunging us. With the possibility of nuclear holocaust as a further deadly incumbency.

The general mobilisation is counterbalanced by intellectual demobilisation, enslavement, and the waning of critical thinking. Thus we seem to be witnessing a mad race to see who is the most servile, a race in which the pundit and the rector, the politician and the antagonist compete to align themselves and point the finger at the enemy of the homeland and the common good (which, in case we hadn’t noticed, is always the good of the bosses). We are not surprised by this. Two years of militaristic management of the pandemic have anticipated mass disciplining, in substance and in the rhetorics of taming public opinion.

No side is ours in this conflict. Suffice it to recall how until a few months ago Unicredit and Intesa San Paolo, Berlusconi and Salvini, did business or gave political representation to those who did business with Russia. Today, the Moscow Party is not based at the Botteghe Oscure [street in Rome in which Italian CP had former headquarters], but in the shops and warehouses of Lombardy-Veneto. That ‘we have always been at war with Eurasia’ with which these characters fill their mouths today only adds an Orwellian echo to their grotesque figures.

Even less, having the greatest hatred for our State and our imperialist bloc, we can overlook the Atlantic servitude of the democratic left, dragging us all towards carnage in the name of progressive rights and progressive profits in the stock market coupons of their puppeteers. On NATO, on labour (see the job act), on health restrictions the Democratic Party has been embodying the party-regime of this damned country for years. Perhaps it’s about time some antifa permanently on duty started to realise this too.
The values of internationalism must be given their own legs and arms, i.e. the international must be spread. It was with this conviction over the years that the imprisoned comrade Alfredo Cospito was interviewed in these pages, an interview that took the form of the debate Quale internazionale? (Which international?), in our opinion of great value because – among the various analyses – it nimbly overcomes a stumbling block on which we anarchists in particular had been stranded for some time: that of action for action’s sake, that is, the lack of concrete and material prospects to give to our struggle.

Concrete perspectives that inevitably mingle with our dreams, hence with the ideal horizon of always: the destruction of the State and capital. So, once we have overcome – along with the other difficulties – that stumbling block where we had run aground, we need to define which direction we intend to take. If chatter and good intentions, when they are not firmly planted on the ground, are carried away by the wind, the same is not true for experiences, something capable of sedimenting itself in practice and theory, capable of dissolving contingent, everyday difficulties, overcoming even our limitations. It is these, the experiences sedimented in the struggle – fragments of realised goals, glimmers prefiguring the demolition of authority and the wonder of disorder – that can help us understand which path to take.

Those same experiences that so frighten the bosses and rulers. It is in this climate of war that the attempts to shut the mouths of anarchists fit in, such as the seizure of our newspaper, the book of the same name, Quale internazionale? and, most recently, the infamous 41 bis internment order taken against Alfredo Cospito.
What happened, we are convinced, is just the beginning. The State will be willing to do anything to preserve its old world in ruins. ‘The bourgeoisie will leave only ruins at the end of its history,’ said an old comrade, ‘but we are not afraid of ruins. This is our condition and we will always be ready to start again.

[We enclose the last page of this issue of the journal, produced to mark the 150th anniversary of the Saint-Imier Congress]

Translated by Act for freedom now!