Lecce, Italy : Blow it  up

Published on 23/01/2022 by disordine
Translated by act for freedom now!

Blow it up
In order to “convince” people to be vaccinated, but above all to loyally follow the imposed rules and be obedient, the State through its Governments with the support of its technicians and the media, has terrorized and blackmailed, taken away rights and freedom, threatened, humiliated, denigrated and ridiculed, censored, suspended work, prevented work, divided society in two, nourished the epidemic, pointed the finger, condemned, criminalized, lied, misled, confused, created anxiety and fear. Still before and even worse, it murdered 14 prisoners in March 2020, prisoners who were demanding not to die like mice in a cage by rebelling along with many others.
The State chose to eradicate the problem by murdering some so that it would be clear to everyone that the so-called emergency phase that was opening up would take on precise connotations. Restrictions on freedom and abundantly spread terror, but with the leitmotif of “everything will be all right”.

Not only were prisoners killed in a State massacre, thousands of people also died due to incompetence and negligence in managing the situation, decimating cuts of resources, staff and hospitals, funds and privatizations. The fact of having found a scapegoat for the entire failure of the pandemic management can’t make us forget the responsibility of those who determined this situation. The pandemic has precise responsibilities and causes to be found in the techno-industrial system which is imposing itself more and more. The fact that it involves health clarifies even better how the latter is considered a commodity from which stratospheric profits are to be made. For a long time health is no longer synonymous with curing or wellbeing, but medicalization and profit. Finally, and perhaps more importantly,being digitalized and controlled, more and more data, personal and commercial, private and public accumulated and administered is the result achieved in the short term which is opening up scenarios of a new economy based on this commodity. The green pass, in fact, is no more than this: control, accumulation and management of data, as well as the habit of showing ourselves to be docile and obedient, being controlled and reachable anywhere, of being ruled and filed, moving codes. At work, on the bus, at the restaurant, bar, the hairdresser’s, cinema, bookshop, shopping mall, library or museum, on the plane or train, at the post office or the bank, at the gym or the swimming pool, at the tobacconist’s. How many times a day will you show your green pass? And how many times will you see it turning you into cops of yourselves?
And what will be left in the end? A society that discriminates and divides, without solidarity or responsibility, contrary to what they make us believe because the responsibility they are talking about is blank proxy which involves mere obedience.
It’s time we blew up this normality, refused and deserted this war. Otherwise, we are resigning ourselves to die of it, in silence.