”Prometeo Operation”: updates on Natascia from Santa Maria Capua Vetere prison (Italy, April 2021)

On March 13, 2021, Natascia was transferred from the AS3 (“Alta Sorveglianza 3”, High Surveillance 3) section of the Piacenza prison to that of Santa Maria Capua Vetere prison. The lawyer was notified by the arrival prison. After about ten days in solitary confinement for quarantine, she was transferred to the section in a cell that the guards themselves call a “cubicle”: a single cell where two people are locked up, which became three with Natascia’s arrival. Apparently, overcrowding is chronic in the Santa Maria Capua Vetere prison.
Although Natascia has been placed in the section, the same rules do not apply to her as to the other inmates in AS3.
As soon as she arrived, they requisitioned her CDs and CD player and, despite her protests, the situation has remained unchanged to date.

Continue reading ”Prometeo Operation”: updates on Natascia from Santa Maria Capua Vetere prison (Italy, April 2021)


We express our Solidarity to the imprisoned comrades in Chile who as of March 22 2021 have launch a mobilization with the characteristics of a long-term hunger strike demanding the release of anarchist prisoners, of prisoners for subversive activity, of prisoners from the bloody uprising of 2019 as well as the prisoners from the native Mapuche liberation struggle.
Also other requests concerning the amendment of a law regulating the conditional release of prisoners so that this remains an established right of prisoners and not a “privilege” as defined by current law. This law is photographic & biased and is more aimed at militant prisoners, at anarchist prisoners, at prisoners who are imprisoned for their struggle against the State and capital. It is a law that makes conditions for the possibility of release difficult. It turns out yet again that all over the world the enemy is one. It is the State and the international state-capitalist complex of power.


Athens,Greece: Update on the decision of the 2nd degree hearing of the 3rd trial of R.O.Revolutionary Struggle

via: mpalothia.net
Today after the lawyer’s speech and comrade Pola Roupa’s statement concerning the prosecutor’s proposal, the judge requested a suspension of 2 hours to issue the court decision. So, despite fact that this had not been planned, a decision was made on the appeal of P. Roupa, a member of Revolutionary Struggle, for the organization’s bombing of the Bank of Greece-ECB and the IMF office in Athens on 10/04/2014.
After a long (over many months in the court of appeal) ideological-political struggle in court and vigorously defending her political views and the action of the Revolutionary Struggle, the court aligned itself with the decision already made by the 5-member second degree Court against the comrade for misdemeanors while she was in “clandestinity” and Nikos Maziotis was tried alone at the 2nd Revolutionary Struggle trial. At the time, Pola Roupa was sentenced to 11 years’ prison.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Update on the decision of the 2nd degree hearing of the 3rd trial of R.O.Revolutionary Struggle

Indonesia: Solidaritas Berarti Menyerang! (Solidarity Means Attack!)

Wadas is the current regime’s national strategic project. Another option if the quarry mining plan in Wadas fails, they will move places. Since when have state withdrawn from their ambitious project? The state will not withdraw until it is repelled.
But to make the state backdown is difficult, and holding the police or bulldozers is also difficult. Nobody knows how long solidarity would last in Wadas village. Everyone has their priorities, and Wadas can’t always be first. We were worried that when the police arrived, the solidarity network was not there. The enemy could have brought even greater force as the solidarity network came after the houses of the Wadas residents collapsed.

Continue reading Indonesia: Solidaritas Berarti Menyerang! (Solidarity Means Attack!)

Ancona, Italy – A text about Mattia Palloni and the other prisoners who denounced what happened in Modena prison during last year’s revolts 

via: infernourbano
15th April 2021
We receive and spread this text concerning the serious situation of pressure that they are putting on Mattia (one of the 5 prisoners who submitted a report on the state massacre in Italian jails, March 2020) in the prison of Ancona. Mattia is not the only prisoner [of the 5] they are trying to wear out in various ways. Since mid-February they have been applying mail censorship on Cavazza [another of the 5 prisoners] (in the prison of Piacenza). Moreover all of them have had to go through more questioning by the Modena prosecutors. It is clear that they want to put pressure on them to make them give up, and the intention of guards, conniving doctors and the prison administration to give a clear warning to anyone who still wants to raise their heads in the face of the violence inflicted on them is evident.
Mattia is one of the five prisoners who signed a report on the events in Modena of March 2020, the beatings after the revolt and Salvatore Piscitelli’s death in a cell, which occurred in the prison of Ascoli Piceno.

Continue reading Ancona, Italy – A text about Mattia Palloni and the other prisoners who denounced what happened in Modena prison during last year’s revolts 

MalAradio Berlin: high frequency hate! [en, it, de]

MalAradio Berlin: high frequency hate!

In one of Berlin’s squares where gentrification and repression are no longer a river in flood but rampant water, in the tide that destroys the shores of a historic neighborhood, lived and conquered with sweat, gasoline and barricades, the new puppets, the admirals of respectability and normalization, make their way sailing on shiny ships. At their passage the waters are stained with blood and protected by their domesticated thugs, they fill the overflowing flesh under their vests and swell the pockets of the real estate sharks. They build new islands made of large windows, lofts, luxury buildings, organic and minimal fake-craft stores, architectural monsters that house the offices of the newest start-up.

MalAradio is a vessel that sails in the opposite direction, shooting vitriolic sound waves, occupying an immaterial space: the sound, gunpowder of its cannons. From one of the few spaces that still resists in that square, malAradio spits its poison at full volume, rumbling in the streets, with the intent to choke on the salty breakfast to the yuppies born from normalization, who wallow, complicit, in this ocean of slime, shit and oppression.

Continue reading MalAradio Berlin: high frequency hate! [en, it, de]

Leipzig, Germany – Photos in solidarity with the prisoners of operation Bialystok

We send our flaming hearts to Italy, where our comrades are still being persecuted by the State. We gathered for a solidarity photo at Herderpark in Leipzig-Connewitz. The banner reads:
Freedom for the prisoners of operation Bialystock /Freiheit fuer den Gefangenen Op. Bialystok.
A hug full of anger and love to Flavia, Nico and Roby, released a few days ago, and to the others who are still waiting to get out of the vile jails.
For anarchy!
Translated by act for freedom now!

Solidarietà con i compagni imprigionati in Cile. Contributo alla solidarietà internazionale dall’occupazione Utopia A.D. di Komotini (Grecia, aprile 2021) [it, en, el]

Solidarietà con i compagni imprigionati in Cile

Striscione in solidarietà con i compagni in sciopero della fame in Cile affisso a Komotini davanti all’edificio governativo della regione della Macedonia Orientale e Tracia.

Recentemente si è concluso lo sciopero della fame (e per un periodo anche della sete) del prigioniero politico Dimitris Koufondinas, che a seguito dell’entrata in vigore di una legge vendicativa riguardante i prigionieri politici di lungo corso ha perso il diritto a scontare la condanna nelle carceri rurali. Il seguito è ben noto, con il governo che si rifiuta di applicare la sua stessa legge e Dimitris Koufondinas che intraprende uno sciopero della fame durato numerosi giorni, esigendo il proprio ritorno al carcere di Korydallos come previsto dalla legge stessa.

Un trattamento simile nei confronti dei prigionieri politici, questa volta da parte dello Stato cileno, è il motivo dell’inizio delle mobilitazioni nelle carceri di Santiago. Così, da lunedì 22 marzo 2021, a Santiago del Cile, anarchici e altri prigionieri, così come i prigionieri per la lotta di liberazione di Mapuche, hanno iniziato una mobilitazione avente le caratteristiche di uno sciopero della fame che proseguirà per tempo indefinito. Continue reading Solidarietà con i compagni imprigionati in Cile. Contributo alla solidarietà internazionale dall’occupazione Utopia A.D. di Komotini (Grecia, aprile 2021) [it, en, el]