Text by anarchist comrade Dimitris Hatziivassiliadis: Freedom for the anarchist rebel Claudio Lavazza

Freedom for the anarchist rebel Claudio Lavazza

The French State is at the forefront of the predatory capitalist war against the planet. It protects its monopolistic exploitation of natural resources and its investments in North Africa and the Middle East with military interventions and all kinds of support to counter-revolutionary forces. French militarism is a key pillar of NATO and the military wing of the EU. On French territory it strikes the social movement by military means…

The hypocrisy of bourgeois democracy is stripped bare by the status it reserves for captured militants. The Lebanese militant Georges Ibrahim Abdallah has been in French prisons since 1984 after a barrage of attacks against the American and Israeli states. Under French law he should have been released from prison in 1999. But Abdallah’s detention is being illegally extended because he remains an unrepentant revolutionary. Continue reading Text by anarchist comrade Dimitris Hatziivassiliadis: Freedom for the anarchist rebel Claudio Lavazza

Athens, Greece: Update from the Solidarity March to Vaggelis Stathopoulos and Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis on 14 May at Monastiraki area

notes: The Court of the Appeal  trial on 18/05 /22 of the anarchist comrades Vanggelis Stathopoulos and Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis suspended for 25 May 2022



via: athens.indymedia

Updates from the Solidarity March to Vaggelis Stathopoulos and Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis on 14 May at Monastiraki area in Athens.

During the planned solidarity march on Saturday, at Stadiou Street near the junction with Benaki Street, repressive forces attacked the body of the march by throwing chemicals and injuring a number of people.
Continue reading Athens, Greece: Update from the Solidarity March to Vaggelis Stathopoulos and Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis on 14 May at Monastiraki area

Leipzig (Germany): against militarism, a relay antenna goes up in flames

via: sansnom

We attacked German railroads (Deutsche Bahn, DB) as part of the war logistics in Europe. We have not forgotten that this company (even if it is currently trying to clear its image with “humanitarian” deliveries to Ukraine) has been involved in the delivery of weapons for years. Our friends in Rojava, in particular, are killed every day with weapons supplied by DB. The cooperation between the German railroads and the fascist regime of Erdogan is close.

And so, in the night of 28-29 April, we set fire to a DB antenna in Markkleeberg. The line on which the antenna is located was and still is used for the delivery of weapons. We are trying to counteract the current war logic with the means at our disposal and want the material damage to be as great as possible. Until the line is no longer used for the transport of military vehicles, cars, coal and other destructive raw materials that are diligently being sent around the world. Continue reading Leipzig (Germany): against militarism, a relay antenna goes up in flames

Moscow, Russia: “If the day fades away forever…”


On May 2, 2022 in the heart of Moscow, in Revolution Square near the monument to Karl Marx, an unknown person threw a molotov against the OMON (Russian Ministry of Interior Special Forces) riot vehicles that are always parked there. The flames managed to eat away at one of them for several minutes before being extinguished.

The unknown person was unfortunately arrested immediately. This is 45-year-old Vitaly Koltsov, a father of three and a philosophy graduate, who had previously participated in anti-government rallies – in 2017, he was arrested for disobeying the cops, and in 2019 for violating “the established order” to hold rallies. Continue reading Moscow, Russia: “If the day fades away forever…”

Thessaloniki, Greece: Taking responsibility for a set fire to Demourtzidis’ professional car, by Nightriders of the Flame

Thessaloniki, Greece: – Taking responsibility

Life in the metropolises is suffocating. In recent years, we have seen the urban beast grow larger sucking life into its path. Cops and snitches lurk around every corner, poverty and deprivation are reflected in every aspect of daily life, oppression (labour, sexual, racial) is a brutal reality, while the area of ‘freedoms’ and ‘breaths of life’ are narrowing more and more. In this suffocating grip, capitalism comes to remind us that we are expendable material for its machines, which produce endlessly and thirst for profit.

The gentrification projects are the blunt admission by the state that we exist simply to produce for them. Squares, parks, neighbourhoods that were once appropriable by their inhabitants are being gentrified by labour and handed over to tourists and urban bourgeois. Expensive cafes, airbnb, surveillance cameras, growing tourist population, overall increase in the cost of living are some of the consequences of redevelopment. Consequences that result in the displacement of people who once lived in these neighbourhoods as they can no longer cope with the new situation. So so-called ‘gentrification’ is thus creating ‘fortress’ (urban) areas with increased social control and repression while other urban areas are ghettoised and impoverished. The segregation of neighbourhoods within cities and their pronounced differentiations clearly facilitates the work of the cops in terms of mapping and surveillance. Continue reading Thessaloniki, Greece: Taking responsibility for a set fire to Demourtzidis’ professional car, by Nightriders of the Flame

Treviso, Italy : 11th June: presence in solidarity with Juan


11th June: presence in solidarity with Juan

“We must struggle and fight for disproportion to be crushed”.
And whatever path we tread, always with our hearts!
For Anarchy!
(Juan Sorroche – Prison of Terni AS2 – February 2019)

Because we have known the courage and tenderness of it.
Because this is the way among comrades of an ideal.
Because whoever attacked that League headquarters gave a contribution of humanity in a world more and more inhuman by the day.
Because life is too short not to be filled with ardent dreams.


Translated by act for freedom now!
via: ilrovescio.info

Soli event in memory of Anarchist Mauricio Morales (Germany)

*Deutsch und Spanisch Unter*
Soli Event in the Infoladen Scherer 8
22 May 2022
from 13.00 until 17.00
-Vegan Pizza
-Update: Monica Caballero and Francisco del Solar, Anarchists imprisoned in the Chilean region.
In Solidarity with the Antiauthoritarian Library Sacco and Vanzetti , in the Territory dominated by the Chilean State.

In memory of the anarchist Mauricio Morales, who died in action when he tried to attack the Chilean prison guards school on May 22nd 2009. He was carrying an explosive device in his backpack, which detonated prematurely. Since then every year, his friends, comrades and those who never met him commemorate him in different places in the Chilean Region and also in the world. Mauricio was not only a bomb that exploded, but also a comrade who developed itself in different spaces and in many ways, understanding that every way of attacking this violent system of life is equally valid. This is how today we can still read his texts, thoughts, poems and songs, in which he left his ideas.
For anarchy and against all authority, we will remain the worst black plague! Continue reading Soli event in memory of Anarchist Mauricio Morales (Germany)

Frankfurt am Main, Germany: The excavator goes boom!

Friday, April 22, 2022

The excavator goes boom! Fire and flames for the project to link the A66 and A661 freeways

On the night of April 21-22, 2022, in solidarity with the occupation of Fecher Woods, we set fire to an excavator and a drill of the company Geomer-Kampfmittelbergung and destroyed other means of devastation.

Until recently, the place where this company works was still occupied by a Wagenplatz, which had to give way to the extension of the A66/1.
In addition, this almost completely destroyed site is located right next to the occupied Fecher woods. Continue reading Frankfurt am Main, Germany: The excavator goes boom!

Pamiers (Ariège) : the new car of the police station is no longer (France)

Pamiers (Ariège) : the new car of the police station is no longer

Update on the investigation following the arson of a police vehicle in front of Pamiers police station

La Dépêche, May 2, 2022 (excerpt)

“In front of the police station! This is not a joke! It’s the first time I’ve seen this since I’ve been in Ariège”. The fire that struck a police vehicle parked right in front of Pamiers police station this weekend has left its mark on the world of law enforcement. Continue reading Pamiers (Ariège) : the new car of the police station is no longer (France)

Italy – Actions against war

Banners and posters were put up in Alta Valsusa against the military exercise “Volpe Bianca”. Here is a contribution and some pictures:

“While war looms once again at the door of Europe; while bombs are raining down over the heads of thousands of people; while the umpteenth wrestling between opposing imperialisms is underway taking its toll in blood, the roads and mountains of Alta Valsusa, Sestriere and Val Chisone are literally occupied by NATO troops. Over these days Italian, French and US military are amusing themselves playing war games with their loads of weapons and armoured vehicles in total disrespect for those who are suffering war, are dying of it. For years “Volpe Bianca” exercises have been carried out in our mountains at this time of year, between ski racing and Alpine fanfares. The deafening silence that surrounds this macabre theatre is being broken by a simple but for us very important voice. The streets and squares of Sestriere filled up with leaflets and banners. Hairpin bends on the hill were painted with words refusing to welcome the bearers of death and destruction. Refusal and boycott of war also start here.

No peace for those who make war!

NATO murderers out of our mountains!

No more death games in Valsusa!

Some inhabitants of Valsusa”


Translated by act for freedom now!