Category Archives: General

Brooklyn (NY): Skull Squat defense ongoing (USA)

For the past week, squatters and friends have defended Skull Squat in Brooklyn from shady developers and their goons attempting to break-in, lock out residents, and demolish the building. After forcing entry three days in a row with hammers and angle grinders, the developers have been turned away for the past two days by dozens of punks, anarchists, neighbors, and friends. The building has been squatted for six months by six black, brown, and white transgender anarchists.

The developers, two persistent and violent Israeli-American brothers, do not own the building. They forced long-term residents out years ago, allowed the building to deteriorate, and are hoping to reclaim it once it is foreclosed upon. They convinced the police of their claim to “management” with dubious work permits, who allowed them to break in and hurt those trying to defend the squat. Both their purported lease and permits have been found invalid by several civil authorities.
Continue reading Brooklyn (NY): Skull Squat defense ongoing (USA)

Barcelona: the police install a camera to spy on a squat in the district of Gràcia

A camera hidden in a dark box on the roof of a restaurant monitored the activity of a squat house in the Gràcia district of Barcelona, at least since December 22 when it was detected. As disseminated by the group Ègida -Defensa Collectiva Anarquista, the video surveillance team focused directly on the door of the squat, which is why they rule out that it is the restaurant’s security system.

Neighborhood witnesses have told La Directa that during the last weeks they had observed the presence of “strange” individuals and vehicles parked with people inside the house all day: “I saw them in front of the house, I am convinced that they were plainclothes policemen,” says a neighbor. One of the managers of the restaurant, where the state security forces had placed the camera, told this media outlet that they have “nothing to say”.
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Anarchist comrade Alfredo M. Bonanno has died on 6th December at the age of 86

You will always be alive with us through our action and our lives. “ACTION REPLACES TEARS”

Alfredo Maria Bonanno, born in 1937 in Catania, Sicily, is one of the most prolific contemporary anarchists, responsible for Anarchismo editions and other publishing ventures. In 1977 he was sentenced to 18 months in prison for his book La Gioia Armata (Armed Joy). This book had been published at a historical moment when the Italian revolutionary movement was openly going on the offensive, while similar conditions existed in other European countries (Germany, Spain, England, Greece, Chile and more) and the question of violence was on the daily agenda. His contribution lies in a celebration of the pervasive class violence that liberates and satisfies the individual, but at the same time he sounds the alarm about the emergence of the armed party, which reduces the class conflict to a militaristic dimension, imposing the mediation of a small minority of armed men on the complexity of tens of thousands of people struggling by all means against the current reorganization of Capital, which at that moment seemed weak.

In the spirit of the book, all authentic liberating and destructive action comes from a logic of satisfaction in the struggle, not a self-sacrificing duty in accordance with the dictates of a micro-bureaucracy. The Italian Supreme Court ordered the destruction of the copies of the book that were in circulation, and sent a circular to public libraries to dispose of any copies they might have had.

Several librarians objected to this Nazi-inspired tactic. Its circulation was generally banned, and copies were confiscated from the homes of anarchist militants in the context of police raids on houses.

Shortly afterwards, the author was accused of being an “instigator” of the Azione Rivoluzionaria, an armed organisation of 1976-79, which operated on the basis of “affinity groups” throughout central Italy, mainly against newspapers and party offices, and similar “manipulative mechanisms of consensus-building”. In 1979 the organisation was practically dismantled with the arrest of 86 people and the arrest of Salvatore Cinieri and Gianfranco Faina. The first went on to die in prison in a scuffle with criminal inmates when he defended a prisoner suspected of submitting an escape plan, while the second was released to die of lung cancer after being diagnosed with a tumour while in custody.

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Ciao, Alfredo

Μercoledì scorso è morto, a 86 anni, Alfredo Bonanno.

Per oltre un cinquantennio, Alfredo ha dato un contributo importantissimo all’anarchismo rivoluzionario, come editore, come teorico, come uomo d’azione, come sperimentatore di metodi organizzativi basati sull’affinità e sull’informalità. Quello che lo differenziava radicalmente da qualsiasi intellettuale non era solo il suo rifiuto di ogni carriera accademica e di ogni rappresentazione mediatica, ma il fatto che analizzare lo Stato e il capitalismo non serviva per lui ad andare a dormire con le idee più chiare, bensì a trarne delle precise conseguenze – etiche, pratiche, organizzative – nella vita quotidiana.

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Vivere è un problema qualitativo. Se non lo si vede in questa prospettiva, che senso ha la vita? (Alfredo M. Bonanno)It/Es


Vivere è un problema qualitativo. Se non lo si vede in questa prospettiva, che senso ha la vita? (Alfredo M. Bonanno)

Il compagno anarchico Alfredo M. Bonanno è morto a Trieste il 6 dicembre 2023, a 86 anni.

Introduzione a Oltrepassamento e superamento

Il problema della qualità non è una questione filosofica, appartiene alla vita e da questa, e dalla ridda selvaggia di urticanti ambasce che ne vengono fuori, trova poi sistemazione e acquietamento nella riflessione.

Vivere è quindi un problema qualitativo. Se non lo si vede in questa prospettiva, che senso ha la vita? Sarebbe una morte pagata a rate, un avvicinamento a qualcosa considerata futura che invece è di già accaduta, quasi senza destare sensazione alcuna. Chi resta immerso nella quotidianità del quantitativo, superando, di volta in volta, i vari problemi che lo fanno sembrare vivo, è un fantasma senza saperlo.
Continue reading Vivere è un problema qualitativo. Se non lo si vede in questa prospettiva, che senso ha la vita? (Alfredo M. Bonanno)It/Es

Nearly 230 people have already sabotaged their electronic bracelets this year. (Belgium)

Nearly 230 people have already sabotaged their electronic bracelets this year.

Since the start of the year, 6,500 people have already had an electronic ankle bracelet fitted. That’s 1,400 more than at the same time last year. Among them, 228 convicts (3.5%) have already sabotaged the home detention device, mostly by cutting it off, writes Het Laatste Nieuws on Tuesday.

A new generation of bracelets will probably come into service in March 2024. They will then be fitted with an additional fiberglass thread to enable immediate detection of cutting.

sansnom.translated by Act for freedom now!

On the edge of the precipice: the text of a leaflet given out in Trento by anarchist comrades on the occasion of an initiative against repression in solidarity with the oppressed in Gaza.(Italy)

We are publishing here – in a slightly modified version – the text of a leaflet given out in Trento by anarchist comrades on the occasion of an initiative against repression that turned into a meeting in solidarity with the oppressed in Gaza, against the attempted genocide in act at this moment by the State of Israel. A first contribution of ours to  orient oneself in the abyss that is opening in the Middle East – and everywhere.

Here in leaflet format in  it pdf: Aprecipizio

We are also adding a graphic version made by a comrade, whom we thank: a_precipizio_grafico

On the edge of the precipice

As State repression strikes harder and harder, in Gaza the gates of the abyss are opening wide.

What has been experienced here against rebel minorities for years – constant mystification of the concept of «terrorism», prison isolation of comrades to prevent them even reading and writing, closure of websites and detention of the editors of an anarchist fortnightly – now spreads to anyone who disagrees or even remembers the history that war propaganda would like to erase. Newspaper editors hailing the destruction of Gaza in television parlors, students beaten in Livorno for a banner reading «Neither with Israel nor with Hamas», French and German governments banning demonstrations in solidarity with the Palestinian people as it «supports terrorism» – all this is telling even the most distracted one precise thing: we are at war.

Continue reading On the edge of the precipice: the text of a leaflet given out in Trento by anarchist comrades on the occasion of an initiative against repression in solidarity with the oppressed in Gaza.(Italy)

Toulouse, France : Eiffage car burns in solidarity with December 8 defendants

Toulouse: Eiffage car burns in solidarity with December 8 defendants

New match: Antifrance-Eiffage

In these days of the Rugby World Cup, La Dépêche de Minuit [La Dépeche de Midi = mainstream bourgeois newspaper in Toulouse, NdT] didn’t want to forget the celebrations taking place outside the city center full of gendarmes.

On the night of October 9, during the group phase of the tournament [phase de poules – pun with the french word for ‘chicken’, i.e. cops, NdT], but mostly driven by hatred of cops, some hands chose petrol over balloons to set fire to an Eiffage car in the bourgeois neighborhood of Côte Pavée.

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Berlin,Germany : Barricades and stones for the anniversary of Liebig34 eviction

Berlin: Barricades and stones for the anniversary of Liebig34 eviction

Housing is not a commodity! Two apartments in the Liebig14 expropriated

“We will not surrender. And even if they drag us out of our homes. We will return. And we will take back what is taken from us.” Words from the Liebig34 on October 9, 2020, at 04:00 am.

Exactly three years ago today, on October 9, 2020, the anarcha queer feminist project Liebig34 was evicted. More than twelve years ago, on February 2, 2011, the house project Liebig14 was evicted. The evictions were attacks on our struggles to shape our lives and places of living in a self-determined way and from below. They were attacks on our collective organizing against sexist violence and capitalist patriarchy.

Exactly today, on October 9, 2023, we expropriated two vacant apartments in Liebig14. We declare them common property of the neighborhood.

Continue reading Berlin,Germany : Barricades and stones for the anniversary of Liebig34 eviction