Chile: Because There’s a Whole World to Destroy.


 Because There’s a Whole World to Destroy.

Words in solidarity with comrades Alfredo, Anna, Juan and Ivan

“For me, “informality” is above all friendship and love between comrades who share everything, even disappointments (inevitable in human relationships due to their fickle nature). Brothers and sisters in war united by a passion: the destruction of the existent, which is sufficient by itself and does not need the constraint of an organization. A life lived intensely, a handful of comrades who make an insurmountable fortress of loyalty and respect for the spoken word, always allowing themselves to resist.”
Alfredo Cospito

Anarchist activity travels thousands of kilometers, destroys languages and borders in the incessant war against power. In this journey we weave networks of conspiracy and we join with comrades who have decided of their own free will to give practical impetus to their negations.

In all the history of propaganda of the deed we have never been forced, dragged or manipulated to strike blows against the enemy. Anarchy, always from our own conscience and will, has opened beautiful paths of confrontation and this will never change.

Far from hesitations and contemplative postures towards life and its rapid advance, we find siblings and comrades at long distances, accomplices that make Anarchy an active giant with vast experiences in the new anarchist urban guerrilla. Of these comrades are Alfredo, Anna, Juan and Ivan, active, dangerous and unyielding in the streets and in the prisons of capital.

Our words emerge from action and are a wink of complicit kinship with those who have been trapped by power and who today make their bodies a trench of war. In particular, solidarity with comrade Alfredo Cospito who faces a new battle, in a new scenario and action against the beast that is 41bis.

Even under high levels of control, censorship and harassment, Alfredo persists in the path of anarchist action. Despite the tons of concrete that seek to restrict him from his ties, contacts and affinities, he continues looking for cracks in the prison complex that allow him to continue contributing to the theoretical-practical growth of the anti-authoritarian eruption against the world of domination. Power punishes him and tries to annihilate him with the imposition of 41bis for remaining active and dangerous, censoring his writings, controlling his readings and communications to prevent him from continuing to propagate the Anarchy of action, the debates among accomplices and the hostility against authority.

Alfredo is a valuable comrade in action and today the call for agitation for him and the comrades who have joined the hunger strike in solidarity is urgent. Let us not allow the white torture to fall on our siblings. Combative solidarity is the best weapon we have to accompany them in these hard moments. Let us make this urgency dangerous for power, one more demonstration that Anarchy continues to challenge the citizen oasis, without rest and spreading to more wills.

Alfredo Cospito to the streets!

Long live the Informal Anarchist Federation!

End 41 bis!

Because there is a whole world to destroy. For the multiplication of autonomous action now!

“In a time of disarmament and resignation, we have a political responsibility to arm Anarchy through the propaganda of action.” – Thanos Xatziangkelou

Nueva Subversión

Células Revolucionarias Nicolás Neira

Fracción Autonómica Cristián Valdebenito

Células Revolucionarias Mauricio Morales

Grupo de Acción 6 de Julio

Grupo Antiespecista Emilia Bau

Célula Insurreccional por el Maipo


Translated by Act for freedom now!