25–26–27 June 2021: Anarchist Bookfair in Carrara (Italy)

Presentations, debates, exhibitions, stands and distributions of books, pamphlets, papers, magazines and various materials. At Teatro P. 38, via San Martino 1, Carrara.
11am — Meeting and discussion with some comrades of the magazine “I giorni e le notti” on Anarchism in the era of the Emergency and the techno-totalitarian turn.
3:30pm — Presentation and discussion with the author of the book Sempre primi nelle imprese più arrischiate. Sabotaggi e colpi di mano delle prime bande partigiane in provincia di Cuneo [“Always First in the Most Hazardous Ventures. Sabotage and Sudden Attacks by the First Partisan Groups in the Province of Cuneo”], published by Il Picconiere – Biblioteca Popolare Rebeldies.
5:30pm — Presentation and discussion with the comrades editors of the internationalist fortnightly “Bezmotivny”.
11am — Meeting and discussion with some enemies of every border starting from their book Nemici di ogni frontiera. La lotta contro il Cpt nel Salento [“Enemies of Every Border. The Struggle Against the Temporary Permanence Centre in Salento”], Edizioni Anarchismo.
3:30pm — Meeting and discussion with some comrades editors of the paper “Vetriolo” on New technologies and crisis of globalisation.
5:30pm — Meeting and discussion with Alfredo Maria Bonanno and comrades of the magazine “Negazine” on Derealization and technological process. What is the current link and interaction between the economy, techniques, the structures of social control and the apparatuses of the State? What dimension do the action of anarchists, destruction, revolutionary transformation of reality take on today in the context of the ongoing technological process?
10:30am — Presentation and discussion with some editors of the books Anarchici di Bialystok. 1903–1908 [“Anarchists of Bialystok. 1903–1908”], Edizioni Bandiera Nera, and Varkarides – I battellieri. Il gruppo nichilista di Salonicco. 1898–1903 [“Varkarides – The Boatmen. The Nihilist Group from Thessaloniki. 1898–1903”], Edizioni Biblioteca Anarchica Sabot.
3:30pm — Presentation and discussion with the editors of the special issue of the aperiodical paper “Cheddite?” dedicated to the environmental and social devastation of the Apuan Alps and the district of Carrara.
5:30pm — Presentation and discussion with the author of the booklet Contro la pedagogia, qualsiasi pedagogia [“Against pedagogy, every pedagogy”], Edizioni Nero Abisso.
Throughout the three days there will be an exhibition against repression and stands with books, pamphlets, papers, magazines and other materials.
For contacts and informations: campoanarchicocarrara@canaglie.net
PDF: Poster | 25–26–27 giugno 2021: Fiera dell’editoria anarchica a Carrara + PDF: Flyer | 25–26–27 giugno 2021: Fiera dell’editoria anarchica a Carrara

Translated to english by malacoda.noblogs