Italy – Issue 0 of a new publication, ScalmAnat*, is out

A new publication has come out recently. It is a bulletin of radical critique of education and pedagogy: ScalmAnat*. With the first issue we intend to offer some criticisms, reflections and considerations concerning schooling, pedagogy (also in the forms which present themselves as “alternative”) and the wide world of education. These devices of control and discipline are part of the Mega-machine of the State and capital, as are factories, hospitals, prisons, CPRs, REMS; a reason for us, and certainly we are not the first, to desire their total destruction. We think that schools are or can become places of conflict and conflictuality for all those who suffer them and are oppressed by them.
That is why we found it necessary to give life to yet another instrument, which in its small way intends to add fuel to the flames, to animate more or less young spirits, to stimulate subversive thought and practices of revolt towards this particular total institution and the society that produces it. As this project is new-born and wants to develop in more directions as concerns the critique of the world of education that belongs to this miserable reality, to language dominated by commodities and the subjugation of the living, we don’t want to say more.
Contents of Issue Zero (March 2022)
Why a paper of radical critique of education?
Dangerous thoughts
Death to schools, death to society
Certifications and BES: the stigma-school support duo
Schools reopening to do what?
Letter of a friend on remote learning
In the shadow of the dawn
To order paper copies:
One copy: 2.50 vile euros; 5 copies: 1.50 euros
Translated by act for freedom now!
via: infernourbano.
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